07 January 2015

What attracted you to photography?

I get a great sense of achievement when I make a really good image and I'm proud of the handful of good ones I've made over the decades.

I think I was attracted to photography by the technical process, and the challenge of getting right the many variables that must come together to make a great shot, like light, it's direction and quality, a shutter speed and best aperture combination to capture it, the ISO or light sensitivity of the medium I used etc. I remember in the early days when out shooting,  trying to recall all the things I had read about how on how to take a good photo, but in the heat of the moment, all I had learned just evaporated as though I had senile dementia.

I don't think the 'art' side of photography initially attracted me that much, but that's not to say I don't recognise the artistry in a good image and appreciate it, I just suck at doing it.

I have instinctively come to recognise potentially good shots when I see them, including geometric shapes making interesting patterns, but I find most of my images are mired in the old 'rules' of photography, must have detail in highlights and shadow, the rule of thirds, the golden mean, the golden hour, balance the composition, get close to the subject, avoid poles growing out of people's heads etc....

But I see many people ignoring these conventions and making great images in spite of the 'rules', I can't naturally bring myself to do it, I have to force myself.

I see people new to photography make stunning images,  they are natural born photographers. Others like me bumble along doing things mostly following the rules and a good shot is the exception rather than the rule.

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